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How to Ensure Your Child Is Safe in Their Crib

crib rental

As a parent, your child's safety is your top priority. However, many children are in danger when placed in their beds. Ensure your baby is safe by following these safe sleeping guidelines and consider crib rental if you need a safe sleeping option.

Avoid Recalled Cribs

Products are recalled when they are damaged or defective. Some parents ignore these warnings because they don't see anything wrong with their crib or are concerned about not having a crib. Don't hesitate to contact the company of your crib product about a refund and look into crib rentals in your area. It's important to register your product after purchasing it to receive updates regarding recalls.

Beware of Unsafe Designs

Older cribs may be cute or nostalgic, but some don't have safe designs. Avoid cribs with large holes, especially if they are at the top or bottom. Your baby can scoot and slide out of these holes. Cribs with large spaces between the bars can also be unsafe. If a crib has bars on the side that are significantly shorter than other cribs, they should only be used until your baby starts to sit up. Your little ones can pull themselves up and fall out. If you don't have a crib, consider crib rental.

Choose a Safe Mattress

Parents must pay special attention to the mattress, too. A bed should fit snugly inside the frame of the crib. Make sure there aren't any significant gaps between the crib mattress and the frame. It's best for your child that you opt for a firm mattress. Babies are supposed to sleep on a firm mattress to prevent SIDs. According to the United States Consumer Product Commission, babies younger than a year must follow strict guidelines to prevent SIDs.

Put Babies on Their Backs

Laying your child on their back is always best for them. Once your little one can roll over, they may roll over on their side or stomach. This is perfectly normal and considered safe. You do not have to wake them to lay them on their backs.

Opting for the safest bed is a great way to keep your baby safe while sleeping. If you're looking for a crib rental, turn to G&T Linen & Crib Rental! Contact us today to learn more about our products.